Thursday, November 27, 2014



Michael Brown's death in Ferguson, Missouri came as no shock to the hundreds of Americans of color who have lost loved ones in officer-involved shootings. Below, some of these people discuss their experiences and share their thoughts on the grand jury's decision not to indict Darren Wilson, the police officer who fatally shot an unarmed Brown this summer.
Nicholas Heyward Jr.
Thirteen-year-old Nicholas Heyward Jr. was playing "cops and robbers" in the stairwell of a Brooklyn housing project in 1994 when NYPD Officer Brian George mistook the teen's toy rifle for a real weapon. George fired one shot into Nicholas' stomach, killing him.
Then-Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes declined to convene a grand jury in the case, or to directly press charges against George. The shooting was ruled a justifiable homicide.
Twenty years later, Nicholas' father, Nicholas Heyward Sr., is still fighting to keep the memory of his son alive. He's distraught by both the recent death of Akai Gurley -- another unarmed black male shot and killed by a police officer in the stairwell of a Brooklyn housing project -- and the grand jury's decision in Ferguson. Heyward spoke to The Huffington Post by phone this week. It was clear from his voice that he was close to weeping.
heyward nypd
HEYWARD: Honestly speaking, whenever I hear of an innocent victim being killed by the police, I'm in tears. It hurts me so much. I know the officers aren't going to ever be held accountable.
Here's what I would say to [Michael Brown's] family: "Just continue to speak out and expose the truth."
My son was an outstanding student, an outstanding child, very helpful around the house. When my son was alive, in this community, he'd be talking to senior citizens on a bench out here. He was always willing to suck in knowledge from the adults. I remember when I went up to open house at school one night, when we both walked through the door, the principal pointed to my son and said "He's always in my office," and I was like, "What you been up to?!"
But then principal said, "No, he helps me out. He's an outstanding student." I was so overwhelmed by that. He was an amazing kid. I don't just say that because he's my son, but what others have told me about my son also.
My experience has been to organize with those who can identify my pain. You have to talk about that pain, because it's never gonna go away. As the years go on, it gets worse, because you see that it's constantly, constantly happening. You don't want another family to experience the pain and hurt.
That's why I'm still out here 20 years later. They're murdering our kids and they're getting away with it too much. I haven't done enough out here because they're still killing our children. And until that stops, I won't stop.
Sean Bell
This Tuesday marked eight years since Sean Bell, 23, was killed by a hail of NYPD bullets in Queens. He was unarmed. Later that day, he was supposed to get married.
The three officers who faced charges were eventually acquitted. On Monday night, Bell's mother Valerie watched the announcement of the Ferguson grand jury decision. She shared her thoughts with HuffPost the following day.
sean bell
BELL: Yes, I watched it. And I really had no words at the time. All I could say was "wow."
I texted Michael Brown's mother before the decision. I said, "Keep your head up no matter what the decision is, because you gotta be the voice for your son."
[Tuesday] is the anniversary of my son's death. It's like it's happening all over again. Seeing [Michael Brown's family], I'm reliving it again with somebody else. Even though they did indict [the officers who killed] my son, the officers still get off. It's a never-ending story.
I'd tell the Brown family this: You're never gonna forget it. If I was at work today, I'd be at my desk, crying.
You have to try to help make change. These police officers need to be held accountable. They need to go to jail. If we did the same thing as them, we'd go to jail for life.
Oscar Grant
Oscar Grant III, an unarmed 22-year-old, was shot and killed in Oakland, California, by BART Officer Johannes Mehserle in 2009. Mehserle said he thought he was using his Taser when he shot Grant point-blank in the back with a handgun.
Multiple witnesses recorded the incident on their phones, and the tragedy was later the subject of an acclaimed movie, 2013's "Fruitvale Station," named for the BART station where the shooting occurred. Mehserle was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in 2010.
Grant's mother, Wanda Johnson, spoke to HuffPost by phone.
oscar grant oakland
JOHNSON: When the [Ferguson] verdict was rendered, it brought back a lot of memories of going through trial and court for my son’s case.
I don’t think I’m ever going to have that closure. But I believe that Oscar died for a purpose, and one of those purposes was to bring light to the injustice that African-American and brown young men face.
And so with that, every day is an opening for me, because I’m still always talking about Oscar, always sharing the experience that I went through, that my family went through, and working to try to let people know that stereotypes still exist.
People expect you to just get over it in a certain amount of time. One of the things that helped me to cope is being able to help other mothers or families who have lost their children to gun violence. It’s an everyday struggle. I go through the transition of not having their child with them, encouraging them. It’s a very hard process to deal with. It’s very hard.
People are fed up. We have a new generation coming up and they see the injustice taking place in our society. They looked at what happened all the way from Rodney King to my son Oscar Grant and now Michael Brown.
[Brown's family] hasn’t had the time to sit down and come to grips with how their family is forever changed. They won’t get to smell the roses that their son brings home. They won’t get to see his smiling face. They won’t get to hear his laugh. They won’t get to hear him say "I love you." They won’t get to feel his hugs and his touch.
One of the things that they will probably have to do is get away to themselves, for awhile, to really process this, and really just come to grips with Michael not being here anymore.
Errol Shaw
Errol Shaw was 39 years old when Detroit police Officer David Krupinski fatally shot him at his home on Aug. 29, 2000. Shaw could not hear or speak, and his family said he couldn't understand police orders to put down the rake he was holding. Shortly after Shaw's death, Detroit's mayor asked for a federal review of the police department and police-involved shootings, resulting in a Department of Justice monitoring program that only ended this year.
Krupinski was charged with manslaughter, but was later acquitted.
Shaw's niece, Katina Crumpton, was there when her uncle was killed. She told HuffPost that the deaths of both Michael Brown and her uncle, along with the lack of a criminal conviction for either shooter, prove that our justice system needs an "overhaul."
oscar grant oakland
CRUMPTON: I was very hurt for [Michael Brown's] family. I can understand the agony, the pain, the sorrow. I understand it all because we've been there.
There's still not a sense of normalcy when it comes to what transpired with my uncle. Each day it's a struggle for his mom, my grandmother.
When I got out of my car, as I was walking towards the police officers, I was kind of stating to them, "He's deaf, he's deaf, he can't hear you." They were telling him to drop his rake, but he was actually going to do yardwork. They told me to stop coming. And then one officer pointed the gun at me and told me to stay right where I was. Otherwise, they probably would have killed me, too.
Now, when I see a police officer, I literally cringe. I get nervous. It's been that way with my entire family and people who know about our case. We have no trust in our judicial system. We have no trust in police officers anymore. It's very, very difficult as a community to move forward if we can't even trust the police to protect and serve.
It's like the judicial system is dehumanizing us as a people. Like we are not a concern. Like we are just not human beings. It's utterly ridiculous how these officers are getting away with these senseless murders.
O'Shaine Evans
O'Shaine Evans, 26, was fatally shot by San Francisco police Officer David Goff on Oct. 7. Goff reportedly suspected that Evans was part of a group of men who'd just burglarized an SUV near AT&T Park. He approached Evans, who was sitting in a parked car, and asked him to show his hands, according to police. Evans allegedly pointed a gun at Goff, who fired into the car, striking Evans twice. Goff is currently on paid leave while the shooting is under review.
Evans' family doubts that Goff properly identified himself, and police admit that Goff's uniform was partially covered.
The decision in Ferguson was exactly what Evans’ sister, Cadine Williams, 34, expected to happen.
oshaine evans
WILLIAMS: [Evans] was born in Jamaica, moved here in '92. You know the story. We came here because of poverty. He was trying to be a boxer when they killed him.
Every day I dream about it. I haven’t gone back to work. I’m scared in my own house. We grew up together.
I didn’t expect anything different to come out of [Ferguson]. It was not surprising to me. For them to charge Wilson with murder, that would have been justice.
[The violent protests] should happen. Burn it down. That’s the only way they’re going to listen to us, to see we mean business, that we’re standing up for [Brown]. I was not [active] until [Evans died]. I wish I had gotten out there before this. It’s an eye-opener. It’s a lesson learned.
I’m so sorry for [Michael Brown's family's] loss, and that they have to relive the whole nightmare all over again. I feel it for them, because I know what they’re going through. It’s close to what happened to my brother.
Ramarley Graham
In February 2012, NYPD Officer Richard Haste spotted 18-year-old Ramarley Graham outside a Bronx bodega and reportedly thought he had a gun. Haste and another officer followed Graham back to his apartment.
The officers broke inside without a warrant, and Haste shot Graham once in the chest, killing him. Graham was unarmed, and police say he was trying to flush a bag of marijuana down the toilet. His grandmother and his 6-year-old brother watched him get shot.
Haste was indicted later that year, but the indictment was tossed out on a technicality in 2013. A second grand jury declined to indict him. Graham's mother, Constance Malcolm, talked to HuffPost during a protest in New York City Monday night.
ramarley graham
MALCOLM: I got an indictment in Ramarley's case and I'm right back to square one. It’s sad that [the Brown family] didn’t get the indictment.
If it was us, we'd get indicted right away -- before we even got to the precinct.
We're black, and they don’t think our lives matter. But we’re showing them that they do matter. It’s a lot of black youth out here, and it makes a big difference. We're showing that we are somebody. We’ll stand strong, be united as one and never be defeated.
If a cop can kick your door down and murder you, what kind of country are we living in? We can't keep burying our kids. It's just too much for a mother.
Remarks have been edited for length and clarity.

Monday, November 24, 2014

29 Black People Have Been Killed by Police/Security Since Jan 2012: 16 Since Trayvon

First thing that needs to be noted is that we just had another police shooting of an unarmed man in Austin, Texas on Thursday night.. This happened after the report was compiled, so add another name to this grisly toll..
Second, folks have got to understand this is not coincident, it’s quite deliberate. Police have moved from a point of trying to de-escalate or prevention to a shoot first ask questions later policy..
The list below are just noting the deaths at hands of the police, its not highlighting the enormous amounts of brutality and outright disrespect many in the Black community have to endure on a daily basis.. The report below is to say the least disturbing and underscores a low wage war going on in our communities…
Twenty-eight Black People (27 Men and 1 Female) Killed by Police Officials, Security
Guards, and Self-Appointed “Keepers of the Peace” between January 1, 2012 and March
31, 2012
– 28 cases of state sanctioned or justified murder of Black people in the first 3
months of 2012 alone have been found (due to under reporting and discriminatory
methods of documentation, it is likely that there are more that our research has yet
to uncover)
– Of the 28 killed people, 18 were definitely unarmed. 2 probably had firearms, 8
were alleged to have non-lethal weapons.
– Of the 28 killed people,
. 11 were innocent of any illegal behavior or behavior that involved a
threat to anyone (although the shooters claimed they looked “suspicious”);
. 7 were emotionally disturbed and/or displaying strange behavior.
. The remaining 10 were either engaged in illegal or potentially illegal
activity, or there was too little info to determine circumstances of their
killing. It appears that in all but two of these cases, illegal and/or harmful
behavior could have been stopped without the use of lethal force.

[4]This list of28 names was collected between 3/28/2012 and 3/30/2012 by reviewing google
search results to the question, “who have police killed in 2012”. Only the first 65 pages out of
712,000,000 were reviewed.
[5] News reported Rodriguez was African America however other reports and family
photos indicate he was Latino.
[6] Many written reports do not explicitly identify the race of the victim. Most, however, do show
photographs. In the case of Warren, no photo was displayed.
This document was researched, written and produced by Kali Akuno and Arlene Eisenworking
on behalf of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Black Left Unity Network, and US Human
Rights Network.
Phillip Gardiner, Dr. P. H.
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Neurosciences and Nicotine Dependence
Research Administrator
Tobacco Related Disease Research Program
University of California Office of the President
300 Lakeside Drive, 6th Floor

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The kkk threatens protesters in ferguson with violence

Jobless Rate Dips To 5.9%, Black Unemployment Still In Double Digits

Al Jazeera America‘s Ali Velshi and ALF-CIO Chief Economist William Spriggs joined Roland Martinon “NewsOne Now” to analyze the latest jobs numbers. The U.S. economy added 214,000 new jobs, while the jobless rate dipped to 5.9% and Black unemployment edged down to 10.9%.
Velshi told Martin “the number of jobs we’re creating every month is exactly the number of jobs Mitt Romney said he would create when he became president. Obama said the same thing. The fact is we have a different problem. It’s not just creating the number of jobs; it’s not economic growth; we’re at 3.6% that’s fantastic. Interest rates are low, home prices are up, the stock market is up 40% in two years.”
Velshi added “… the new normal  is that that economy doesn’t split as fairly as it used to. If you are on the bottom half of that economy you are going to struggle more.  Velshi said, “a rising tide no longer lifts all boats.” Listen to the analysis of the October jobs report below.get video from source

Anonymous Is Going To War With The KKK Over Ferguson Protests

WASHINGTON -- Members of the hacker collective Anonymous are targeting the Ku Klux Klan after the designated hate group reportedly threatened protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. The hackers claim to have seized two KKK Twitter accounts and say that they have launched denial-of-service attacks against a number of white supremacist websites affiliated with the Klan. The group has also publicized personal information allegedly belonging to KKK members.
“We want the KKK gone, forever,” a person going by the username “SiX” told The Huffington Post on Monday in an Anonymous Internet Relay Chat about the operation. “Don’t worry, we know what we’re doing.”
The latest campaign, #OpKKK, began on or around Friday, after the KKK’s Missouri chapter reportedly threatened to use “lethal force” against people protesting the killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown by a policeman in Ferguson. Tensions in the Missouri town have escalated in recent days as protesters await a grand jury's decision about whether or not to indict the police officer, Darren Wilson.
On Sunday, Anonymous members claimed to have taken over a Twitter account, @KuKluxKlanUSA, which they said was run by an official Klan member. They also said they had taken down various websites associated with the hate group, some of which were still down as of Monday.
ZDNet, an information technology site,reported Monday that Anonymous was claiming to have hacked another Twitter account, @YourKKKCentral, purportedly belonging to the group.
In addition, members of Anonymous have been publicly posting social media accounts, photos and other personal information allegedly belonging to KKK members. The hackers have posted the information on Twitter, under the hashtag #HoodsOff, as well on the website
A Twitter user going by the name @AnonyOps said, “I heard three cops got outed. Their twitter was stolen ;)” On Sunday night, some members were scheming on the operation’s chat room about how to send pizzas to a white supremacist’s house.
Gabriella Coleman, a professor at McGill University who recently authored the bookHacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous, said the operation appears to have been started by a sub-faction of Anonymous’ ongoing “Operation Ferguson” campaign. That campaign began in August as, in part, an effort to publicly name the police officer who shot Brown. #OpKKK, Coleman added, has help from Latin American and Australian members of Anonymous.
In the chat with HuffPost, a person going by the name “Anoniter” said Anonymous' members are cross-referencing “all instances of membership to ascertain true identity ... We use basic information that they provide on their site. We then cross it with other online applications to pinpoint exactly who they are."
“We ensure that no innocent person would be ousted," Anoniter added.
The group hasn’t always correctly identified its targets in the past. Earlier this year, as part of Operation Ferguson, a member of the hacker group mistakenly outed a Ferguson cop who was not responsible for the shooting. The officer soon receivedhundreds of death threats.
A person using the name “anonpanda” pointed out that the KKK was “an easy target to pick on, cuz we kinda get the moral high ground.” The user said, "i could not give a bother about the KKK... i am norwegian, they dont bother me."
“i just want to blow out some steam," anonpanda added.
Thomas Robb, the national director of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan, told HuffPost that he’d had threats against his website, but as of Monday, it was still running. He pointed out that “our membership is kept on computers that don’t have access to the Internet.”